Software Architect Bootcamp Book Notes
I was browsing through the book Software Architect Bootcamp by Malveau and Mowbray and noted down a few interesting points.
Rule of Three
Classic Reference Model for Consulting Intervention
Components Vs. Objects - Principles of Components
Rule of Three
- A single design occurrence is an event
- Two design occurrences is a coincidence
- Three design occurrences is a pattern
Classic Reference Model for Consulting Intervention
- What is the problem?
- What are others doing to contribute to the problem?
- What are you doing to contribute to the problem?
Components Vs. Objects - Principles of Components
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Late binding (composition during design time)
- Safety (e.g. in Java, memory safety is guaranteed through Garbage Collection)
- No inheritance - delegation (invocation) is used instead

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