Integrating Islands with Landmasses

EAI notes and thoughts

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Routing in Cape Clear 6

According to Gartner, an ESB should provide the following features:
  1. Transportation
  2. Routing
  3. Transformation
  4. Web Services
Let us examine the Routing features in Cape Clear 6. Routing in Cape Clear 6 can be setup in the Cape Clear Manager by adding "Routes". Routes are made up of "destination endpoints" that could either be HTTP/HTTPS URLs or JMS (JBoss/IBM MQ) destinations. Complex routing (similar to having a hub/router) can be setup as a composition of multiple routes.

Content based routing is accomplished using a XPath or a regular expression match. The messages are searched for the expression and routed to the web service subscribing to that expression. The expressions are set at the "Route" level.

The source for an integration is always a Web Service where as the destinations could be HTTP URLs or JMS destinations (topic or a queue) endpoint, as mentioned previously.

Cape Clear 6 provides a service for transformation to/from multiple formats including Excel, Flat files, HTTP Post, Custom Java and XML. XSLT is used to develop the mappings.  digg  technorati