Integrating Islands with Landmasses

EAI notes and thoughts

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

SOA Startup?

After reading on startups being acquired early, I was wondering whether I should quit my job and start a startup! Maybe a company that builds an that runs on mobile devices? (Is it a worthwhile idea?) I would go to of Union Square Ventures for funding, hire and Pocket C programmers and start rolling. I will also generate hype through various means and one day somebody will acquire the startup, I will be made the Vice-President and live happily ever after!!  digg  technorati 

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Microsoft in EAI

My knowledge of EAI is largely concentrated with IBM, Java and middleware. This week, I completed a course on IBM WBI Modeler and will post a summary on it shortly. After that I plan to spend sometime learning Microsoft's offerings in EAI, notably .  digg  technorati